The feelings of calmness, grounding, balance and inner peace may benefit you much more throughout the day than a few extra minutes in bed. However, getting up and flowing through a gentle morning yoga sequence may be the most reviving start to the day you can possibly give yourself. If it just means extra stress for you, give yourself something else you need that morning. Note that the aim of your morning yoga sequence is to make you feel better. Of course, if you’re absolutely exhausted, an extra dose of sleep is probably exactly what you need. Instead, ask yourself a different question: What will the benefit of a morning yoga practice be throughout my day? If it’s hard for you to answer this question, you may find some ideas in our Magazine. Don’t Question Itĭid you already notice how much time you lose making decisions? Questions like: Should I practice or not? Isn’t it better to get a few minutes of extra sleep? What if I practice in the evening instead? are not helpful and there is no right or wrong anyway. What about Kat Fowler’s Wake-Up Flow, for example? If you’re doing an online class, for example on TINT, you can save some extra time if you make the decision over which class to practice the previous evening. Remember that your morning yoga practice is not about looks – it’s just about the practice itself. To keep it even simpler, you can just practice in your PJs. Getting your yoga pants ready the evening before will save you some extra minutes in the morning while at the same time being a good reminder of your good intention to practice yoga in the morning. During cold winter mornings, setting the thermostat for that room 15 minutes before you want to start your practice will make it far easier for you to exchange your warm duvet for your yoga mat. Also, make the space you practice in an inviting place. That’s why it’s a good idea to lay out your yoga mat the previous evening and get all the props you need ready. You don’t want to spend time to find your yoga mat, decide where to put it, or what your practice will look like. Since you already get up earlier to make time for your morning yoga practice, you want to make the most of it. Time is precious, especially in the morning.
How To Get Ready For a Morning Yoga Sequence 1. Watch the Video: Wake Up & Feel Amazing with Matt Giordano.What Your Morning Yoga Sequence Could Look Like.

How To Get Ready For a Morning Yoga Sequence.