I want to just see it find joy in its incremental scale and craft, especially with a cast and crew as obviously passionate as this. I don’t want to jinx it, but watching one perfectly resonant episode like this just proved to me how much I want to see the comic’s longevity reflected here. I also just can’t emphasise enough how the shift from Science Dog to Seance dog is the greatest example of text to screen adaptation in recorded history, Charlie Kaufman should be shaking in his boots right now. I might be painting a pretty broad brush here, but you see that same mediation between an empowerment narrative and satire in The Boys, also from Amazon, albeit in a whole other manner. Then from this new base it manages to find its own balance on the needle-point between parody and austerity, a balance Kirkman, Walker and Ottley’s comic rode too.
Invincible seance dog series#
Even from the first scene it establishes that the series is going to be straying from the rigid interiority the comic gave us with Marc Grayson. So coming over as a fan of the comic (which hopefully you’ve all had the joy of reading too), it’s hard not to be staggered by the perfect nuance this series takes to the process of adaptation. Going straight into some heavy spoilers here, so catch up on the first episode or three if you think you might have even a vague interest. After eternity and a half, Amazon’s Invincible has landed, with a great mix of personality, grandeur and direction to boot.